Saving at home

10 easy steps to save energy

  1. Wear the right clothes

If your feeling cold at home then try wearing wool to keep you warm in winter it will save you money on your heating bills.

  1. Shut doors and close the curtains

Heating a house can be expensive. Shut doors to areas that you are not using and only heat the rooms you spend the most time in.

Make sure your curtains or blinds cover your windows properly, and keep your curtains closed at night, you could place a snake cushion at the base of the doors to block draughts.

  1. Set your thermostat

Every degree above 20 degrees can add 10% to your heating bill.

In winter heating can account for over 30% of your bill. Set your thermostat between 18 and 20 degrees.

  1. Turn heaters off when you don’t need them

Turn down or off when you leave the room, or go to bed. Turn off the heating in the rooms that are unoccupied. Make sure all your heating is turned down or off when you leave the house.

  1. Wash clothes using cold water

Washing your clothes in cold water can save money. All products clean using cold or luke warm water. You can also save by making sure you select the shortest washing cycle and wait until you have a full load.

  1. Run your fridge efficiently

Your fridge is always on, it’s one of your most expensive household appliances. Make sure the door is sealed tight and free from gaps. An ideal fridge temperature is 4 or 5 degrees, in the winter turn down the temperature.

  1. Insulate your roof

An insulated ceiling makes a big difference to your energy bills as the hot air will remain inside the house. If you already have insulation installed, check that it is properly installed.

  1. Stop standby power waste

Up to 10% of electricity consumed could be from appliances on standby.

Did you know your television, phone charger or printer is still using energy?

A standby power controller will automatically reduce standby time and switch appliances off when not in use.

  1. Save energy in the kitchen

When you are cooking try to use the microwave whenever you can, it uses much less energy than an electric oven. Keep lids on your pots to reduce cooking time. If you have a dishwasher use the economy cycle and run it only when it’s full.

  1. Use energy-efficient light bulbs

Replace old incandescent and halogen light globes with energy-efficient bulbs. Energy-efficient bulbs save power and last longer.

Every little helps